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All sorts of things can happen when you’re open to new ideas and playing around with things - Stephanie Kwolek 

(Chemist who invented Kevlar and winner of the Lavoisier Medal for technical achievements)

This submission is a wonderful example of how working closely with everyone in our school communities can really benefit the children. The level of personalisation for both staff and pupil learning is exemplary. It has been an absolute pleasure to review this. 

Our vision is to nurture the natural curiosity of pupils through practical science rooted in exploration and explanation.  Teaching and learning is underpinned by the Penwortham five key principles for science: ask questions, take risks, explore, explain, reflect.  Please click the image below for a one page overview of science in our school.

What the children learn and when

Scientific knowledge and skills have been sequenced carefully to support cross curricular learning and provide children with the opportunity to re-visit and build on prior learning.  Please click on the images below to explore the progression maps for Science. 

How we teach science

Our learning

Our Science Student Leaders work alongside the adults in the science team to sustain the constant drive for excellence in science at Penwortham.  Student Leaders bring enthusiasm, expertise and a fresh perspective crucial to the continued success of our science teaching and learning.


Some of the ways the Science Student Leaders can help:

  • Meet with the science Lead to share ideas for how they can help shape the subject.
  • Review the science learning environment in each year group.
  • Harvest best practice from science working walls to share with teaching staff.
  • Publish science content for the Penwortham Globe.
  • Conduct pupil voice surveys so that the opinion of children learning about science is valued and contributes to the development of the subject.

Science Fair

I am really happy to know that the kids are learning about science in the best way possible through experiments and practical sessions.  Thank you for keeping our children curious and eager to learn.

KS1 parent


Great to come in and see what gets described so vividly at home!  The kids are, quite rightly, proud and excited to share their learning.  Fabulous stuff!

KS2 parent 


I feel really proud of the science we do here. 

 Year 6 pupil

It was cool explaining how wind turbines work.  It was funny because usually parents teach us but this was the other way around!

Year 3 pupil (speaking about the Science Showcase after science week)


After the electrical use survey, we ran a campaign and left messages on teachers’ desks asking them to switch electrics off.

Year 4 pupil

Science is my favourite subject.  We do lots of practical work in groups which makes lessons more fun and memorable.

Year 6 pupil

We always have lots of pictures in science so it’s not just all words.  That’s good because I get it more then.  When it’s just words, It can be tricky for me.

Year 2 pupil 

I’m a mixed race girl and I’m proud that when we research scientists, we learn about people from different cultures.

Year 5 pupil

Science Week


Recent recognition of science at Penwortham

A range of strategies are evidently used in this school to teach science.  I am particularly pleased to note how strategies are used which enable children with EAL or children with SEND to make progress in science lessons.  The portfolio shows evidence of strategies which are used to challenge more able pupils as well as strategies which support less able learners.