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Governors Information

The Role of the Governing Body

 The Governance Handbook, published by the Department for Education (DfE) explains that all     governing bodies have three core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent


 Meet our Governors


Malcolm Lewis (Chair of Governors)


I joined the Penwortham Primary School Governing Body as an Associate Governor in Autumn 2022 where I have two daughters in the school, one who has special educational needs . My interest in becoming a governor was particularly regarding how those children with a breadth of needs are catered for which the school has often shown itself to be adept at. 


Professionally I am a chartered surveyor and Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors where the majority of my career (22 years and counting) has been spent working on major infrastructure programmes such as the London Olympic and Paralympic Games, Crossrail (Elisabeth Line) and for owner operators such as Transport for London and Heathrow Airport. I am currently a deputy commercial director for NHS England where I am involved in the construction of new hospitals across England. In working in this sphere, I have experience working in highly regulated environments, with public scrutiny where contractual and construction matters are to the fore and doing so in a safe and timely manner. I sit on the resource committee and will become the Link governor for Health and Safety.










Ross Dalgleish


I am a co-opted Assistant Governor, with a focus on Finance. I have nearly two decades of experience working a variety of regulated functions in the asset management and banking sectors. This has given me skills in people management, corporate governance and financial risk management that I can bring to the Governing body. I moved to Furzedown in 2012 and my three children currently attend the school.





  Picture will be updated shortly









Tanya Easter


I was voted Parent Governor to start September 2023. I have children in Year 2 and Year 4.

Over the course of 24 years, I have worked as an Acting headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher, Subject leader, and Class Teacher. I have been a SENCO for 15 years across a Southwark and Lambeth school. Ima proud to be supporting the school as part of the Children & Families and Curriculum & Standards committees.




Alan Biddiscombe


I was delighted to be able to join the Governing Body at Penwortham as an elected Parent Governor in Autumn 2020. I have worked as a Secondary School teacher since 2004, and since 2008 have worked at a large comprehensive school in south London. In 2011 I joined the leadership team at my school and have been a member ever since. I have been responsible for several different parts of the school in this time which has given me an overview of the challenges that can be faced by schools both Primary and Secondary. I have also seen the hope, ambition and nurture that a successful school can provide for its students and wish to help Penwortham continue its path of combining a rigorous academic education within an inclusive and caring environment. I have two children both currently at the school in Nursery and Year 2.


Hayley Tate


I am delighted to be part of the Penwortham Governing Body as a co-opted governor.  I have a background in Primary Education working as a class teacher for 18 years.  My last role was Head of Early Years and as well as serving on the Senior Leadership Team. I currently work for a charity, EPEC (Empowering Parents Empowering Communities) and work in family centres providing parenting courses for parents of babies and toddlers.  I'm keen to use my experiences to help in my role as governor and to see the school continue to be a nurturing, creative, safe community where all our children can flourish and be happy and confident .  I have 4 children, 3 of whom are at Penwortham in Nursery, Year 2 and Year 5.  My other child is in secondary school in Year 10 at Saint Cecelias but he was previously at Penwortham and really thrived during his time in Penwortham.










 Picture will be updated shortly

Stella Macaulay  (Vice Chair of Governors)


I retired in September 2020 after working for 47 years in child care and children’s safeguarding related fields. I worked in LB Wandsworth for 30 years across the Education Welfare Service and Children’s Safeguarding Service. I was lead for safeguarding in schools (working with all schools in Wandsworth) and involved in designing and delivering child protection and safeguarding training for Designated School Leads and school staff. I worked closely with the multi-agency networks and was a member of the Wandsworth Safeguarding Children Board and a variety of sub committees. I also worked with the Pan London networks in relation to safeguarding in schools, attendance related matters and specialist educational issues (eg EHE, CME etc)

I have previous governor experience having been a parent governor at her daughters’ school for 5 years. I have 3 adult daughters and two grandchildren.







Jessica Coleman


I was delighted to be elected a Parent Governor in September 2024 as my children entered Nursery and Year 1.


Since 2011, I have been a public servant working for the Mayor of London, initially as a senior press officer. I now manage marketing and communications for the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime - a strategic oversight body responsible for scrutinising the Met Police, and commissioning services to help prevent crime, support victims, and protect our communities.


I began my career as a broadcast journalist. I was a TV and radio producer in the BBC’s Westminster political unit, at BBC Radio 4 and LBC and a reporter at BBC Radio Bristol.


I am a born and bred Londoner, grew up in Wandsworth and have lived in Furzedown since 2010.





Steven Britton


I have been working for Wandsworth Council for 15 years, initially as a learning mentor and then as an Education Welfare Officer (EWO). For 8 of those years I have been the schools EWO and during that time I have seen the school establish long lasting and positive relationships with parents, business and external services which I feel has made the school such a integral part of the Furzedown community. My experience of working with the school and understanding the schools vision places me in an unique position to offer advice, critique and encouragement that may help the school continue to meet the educational and social needs of the pupils and the families they support.








Sara Griffin


I joined the governing body in 2022. My background is in accounting, I am currently Director of Finance and Resources at Royal Trinity Hospice, based in Clapham. I am responsible for the management and governance of the finance, IT and facilities teams. I am a member of the resources committee and the link governor for maths.

I have two children at Penwortham in years 2 and 4.



Headteacher and Governor responsibilities

Headteacher: Runs the school on a daily basis; advises governors; is the main influence on the governing body decisions.

Governing Body: Determines the aims, ethos and priorities of the school; acts as a critical friend-   asking  supportive and challenging questions; delegated power to run the school to the Headteacher


Planning and Policy making

Headteacher: Writes and formulates the school improvement plan (SDP); drafts detailed action plans   and Self Evaluation.

Governing Body: Involved in planning discussions and decisions through its committees; agrees the     final SIP and SEF; ratifies whole-school policies



Headteacher: Supplies information, advice and produces the curriculum plan; determines and   implements an appropriate curriculum for the school; advises the governing body on the disapplication   of the National Curriculum for any pupils.

Governing Body: Determines curricular policy and agrees the curriculum; establishes a sex and   relationship education (SRE) policy ; considers any disapplication from the curriculum


Teaching & Learning

Headteacher: Responsible for the standards of teaching – evaluates the standards of teaching and  learning and ensures that proper standards of professional performance are established and   maintained; Provides special educational needs  & disability (SEND) information .

Governing Body: Monitors the standards of teaching; approves the SEND information report.


Pupil Behaviour and wellbeing

Headteacher: Implements the behaviour and safeguarding policy; has the power to exclude a pupil;   notifies the governing body of any exclusions; provide reports on pupil’s personal development and   welfare.

Governing Body: Monitors the behaviour and safeguarding policy and approves the written statement   of behaviour principles; Considers parents’ representations about an exclusion through a pupil  discipline  committee; Advises the Headteacher regarding reinstating a pupil


Headteacher: Draws up the initial staffing structure based on the school's needs and  manages the   appointment process

Governing Body: Approves the number of staff at the school and level of the posts; approves the   proportion of the overall budget to be spent on staff; Has formal responsibility for managing   appointments, but the mechanics of recruitment are normally delegated to the Headteacher; should   work within the agreed criteria; appoints the Headteacher


 Headteacher: Interprets the regulations for the governors; makes performance-related pay   recommendations following teacher appraisals.

 Governing Body: Approves teachers’ salaries, including recommendations from the senior leadership   team on whether to award performance-related pay in line with the school’s pay policy; determines   salary levels for all members of staff; ratifies the statutory pay policy


 Headteacher: Day-to-day management of staff – for example, deploying, managing and leading all   teaching and non-teaching staff and allocating particular duties to them; carries out appraisal of staff.

 Governing Body: Deals with disciplinary/grievance issues at the panel stage; approves the discipline,   conduct and grievance procedures; carries out Headteacher appraisal; ratifies the appraisal policy;   ensures staff receive a regular appraisal of their performance.


 Headteacher: Day-to-day management of the school, including who can enter the premises; complies   with health and safety law; decides whether to close the school when there are health and safety risks.

 Governing Body: Approves a lettings policy (if applicable); ensures emergency procedures are in place