WE ARE Curriculum
Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.
Our WE ARE curriculum (Wellbeing I Equality I Aspiration I Relevance I Environment) encompasses the subjects of the 2014 National Curriculum and is fundamental to the delivery of Penwortham's vision to be:
an excellent school, where outstanding practice, equality and well-being are at the heart of all that we do.
Our WE ARE curriculum is ambitious, holistic and provides our pupils with learning of genuine depth. We strive to provide our children with knowledge, skills and experiences which nurture their talents and support them to realise their full potential. Our school’s Core Values; Aspiration, Excellence, Nurture, Respect, Equality, Resilience, Collaboration, Creativity, and Courage are brought to life and contextualised throughout the WE ARE curriculum.
With coaching tools, considered choices and support from educational consultants our subject leaders and year group leaders have mapped out the content of the national curriculum for each subject to encourage cross curricular learning ensuring that content builds logically and progressively starting from the EYFS curriculum. Subsequently our pupils receive a breadth, depth and balance of learning which will support their transition to secondary school and provide the foundations for success at KS3 and beyond.
Statement of Intent
Our WE ARE curriculum is inclusive, aspirational and text rich with a focus on mastery. It celebrates and represents our diverse community, the local area and wider world. It is expertly crafted by staff who are reflective, knowledgeable and ambitious for all of the children of Penwortham. Learning is carefully planned to be progressive, connected and purposeful ensuring that pupil experiences develop learning of genuine depth which we define as a change and addition to long term memory. Sequences of learning are reviewed rigorously to secure the highest possible outcomes for every child in our school.
Whole School Overview Year Group Half Termly Overviews
This intent is implemented through five key principles which thread throughout the entire curriculum binding it together:
Wellbeing Equality Aspiration Relevance Environment - WE ARE
Implementation through five key principles
We nurture self-awareness, self-confidence and resilience in our pupils through our partnerships with the ELSA network, Place2Be and Nurture UK.
The school timetable is structured to facilitate good mental and physical health; opportunities to sing, read and be physically active are strategically woven throughout the week to meet the needs of each class. Each week starts and ends with a focus on creative subjects and the arts. Weekly singing and celebration star of the week assemblies further support this nurturing transition for starting and ending the school week.
Pupil knowledge and skills are explicitly developed through the Wellbeing curriculum; the principles of this teaching are embedded and enhanced further within the wider curriculum. |
As an Inclusion Flagship School and a National Nurturing School we are passionate about ensuring equality of opportunity for all of our pupils. We have implemented an inclusive teaching and learning culture with an expectation that all pupils are supported and challenged appropriately to ensure that they achieve their full potential.
Staff select from a comprehensive range of strategies and resources to maximise the learning for all. Children who require support to complement our universal offer may benefit from; pre-teaching, targeted interventions, focused adult support, bespoke resources and/or input from specialist staff and agencies.
Lessons build on and connect with prior learning to ensure a genuine deep understanding is achieved by all pupils. Teaching strategies are supported by evidence based research to avoid cognitive or sensory overload. |
The curriculum and wider enrichment opportunities are designed to develop existing talents of the children, spark new interests and showcase the wide range of possibilities available to them. We are committed to nurturing the children’s future aspirations focused by the words of Marian Wright Edelman – You can’t be what you can’t see.
Through the curriculum we nurture a growth mind-set in all our learners and value mistakes as learning opportunities. The children are also taught meta cognition strategies to support their resilience whilst working towards ambitious outcomes for all.
We celebrate excellence through positive praise, positive postcards and star of the week assemblies. A range of pupil leadership opportunities are on offer including joining a curriculum team to work alongside the adults shaping and reviewing specific subjects. |
The children and their families are reflected and celebrated in the curriculum through carefully selected books, topics and activities. These are reviewed cyclically to ensure that our curriculum remains truly representative of the school community. Wherever possible, current affairs (local, national and global) are woven into lessons allowing children to apply their learning to a real life context.
We respond to the needs and interests of our pupils by striving to ensure that as well as delivering the full national curriculum we also answer questions posed by the pupils and explore their interests and curiosities about their topics.
Sequences of learning are crafted to deepen understanding and teach our children to think creatively and critically; question the world around them and feel empowered to make a difference. |
Lessons and enrichment experiences such as Wandsworth Model United Nations General Assembly (MUNGA) help our pupils to understand the value of the environment and understand their responsibilities towards sustaining both local and global environments. This is further enhanced by our status as a Rights Respecting Gold School.
At different points throughout the year sequences of learning have a focus on sustainability and green industry. Pupils have the opportunity to undertake workshops, contribute to exhibitions and campaigns to raise awareness or influence change.
Wider curricular learning is connected and deepened through the lenses of sustainability and Fair Trade. |
The ultimate impact of our curriculum is the realisation of our intent and vision; for Penwortham to be an excellent school, where outstanding practice, equality and well-being are at the heart of all that we do.
Pupils will transition to secondary school equipped with the knowledge, cultural capital and wellbeing essential to prolonged success. They will leave with the strongest possible academic outcomes:
Our curriculum will cultivate learners who master the characteristics of learning which were first nurtured during their time in nursery and reception:
Playing and exploring – finding out and exploring, playing with what they know, and being willing to ‘have a go’
Active learning – being involved and concentrating, keeping trying, and enjoying achieving what they set out to do
Creating and thinking critically – having their own ideas, making links and choosing ways to do things
‘Learning Today for Tomorrow's World'