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Head Teacher Welcome 

We actively promote our pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and are committed to improving outcomes related to feeling safe, being healthy, enjoying learning and having good mental health and wellbeing. We also provide opportunities for our pupils to be actively involved in the life of the school, preparing them to be kind and compassionate model citizens. Wellbeing and a supportive ethos is embedded in all that we do, bringing out the very best in our staff and pupils.

"As a staff team there was a clear sense of warmth and mutual support shown through humour, kindness and collaboration." Nurture Award 2020

We are committed to developing the best teaching through evidence based research and practice. Our teachers and support staff have ready access to high quality continuing professional development focused directly on improving pupil outcomes. 

"Celebration of different cultures, aspiration and happiness are truly valued" IQM 2020

We hope that you will get a flavour of all Penwortham has to offer through our website and  video , we warmly welcome visitors to the school.

Sandie Andrews 
Head Teacher