Geography is the subject which holds the key to our future - Michael Palin
We equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and vocabulary to articulate their understanding of the world.
To learn more about our vision for geography please click the image below:
What do the children learn and when?
Please click the image below to see our progression map which is where the knowledge, skills and experiences from the National Curriculum have been carefully sequenced. Decisions have been made to ensure that pupils receive a rich and diverse geography curriculum reflective of their own backgrounds.
Please click the image below to access our whole school glossary:
How do we teach geography?
The geography curriculum has been sequenced progressively to support the delivery of the national curriculum as a starting point. Teaching sequences cover all statutory content and beyond ensuring our geography curriculum reflects and celebrates our diverse school community.
Throughout the topic, children are given the opportunity to:
- Use maps, atlases, and digital tools to locate countries and key features.
- Develop geographical vocabulary to describe physical and human geography.
- Conduct fieldwork to observe, measure, and record their local environment.
- Use compass directions and grid references to interpret and create maps.
- Compare geographical features of the UK and the wider world
- Participate in workshops, trips, and discussions to enrich their learning.
Sequences of learning culminate in an exit point activity which summarises and showcases key learning. Additionally pupils will return to the enquiry question ( big question) posed at the start of the unit and confidently answer using their new knowledge and the appropriate language.
To further deepen the children’s learning, our English curriculum features a range of texts that complement our geography topics. Cross-curricular learning opportunities are also made in other subjects whenever appropriate.
Geography student leaders work closely with teachers to ensure learning is relevant, engaging and aspirational at Penwortham. They meet regularly with teaching staff to help review our geography curriculum and suggest possible improvements.
Our learning
This is what our children think of geography at Penwortham:
Use maps, atlases, and digital tools to locate countries and key features.
Identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle.
Locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe.
Describe and understand key aspects of physical geography.
To showcase their learning in geography and computing, Year 4 created a podcast on the E15 eruption in Iceland. Please listen here.